Spiritual Healing Course

Heal & help others heal by adopting the latest advances in consciousness to become the Healing Fields in 30 days. Simply view a 30 Minute Video Lesson a Day for 30 Days

Over 99% of all health care funds and efforts are spent on treating the physical body. However our bodies are neutral and respond to what is held in mind and our mind reflects our spiritual state. Hence the greatest place to make significant change is at the level of the spirit. Most of society confuses spirituality with religion and has no idea what to do with our spiritual essence, hence the most critical influence on our wellbeing is just ignored by nearly all health care. 

Is this course worth the investment many will ponder. Tens of thousands of dedicated intelligent people are willing to invest 10 years and over $500,000 in med school in order to learn how to serve those in need with medications and procedures. Hence, is this course that shows us how to embrace our spiritual essence to heal and help others heal quickly and effectively without medications and procedures worth more or less than med school? This course helps anyone serve effectively and is offered for about 99.8% off the price of med school. To this end, by focusing on the critical without any fluff it only takes 30 minutes for 30 days to complete. 

We will also learn how to effectively let go unconscious barriers, limiting beliefs and societal programs preventing us from fulfilling our potential in health, athletics, relationships, work and life. This is a pathway to spiritual empowerment, continuous improvement and life with purpose.

This is and essential course for anyone interested in learning how to do the utmost to heal and help others heal, by focusing on the critical, our spiritual essence. The content is unique and not found anywhere else on the planet. The summary of the curriculum follows.  To see what is possible see the videos, experiments and testimonials at:  www.healerman.com

Course Curriculum

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    Be The Field Series

    • Spiritual Healing Course

    • Day 1 Lesson - Let's Do This

    • Day 1 Lecture - Infinite Potential

    • Day 2 Lesson - Show Up

    • Day 2 Lecture - Grand Illusion

    • Day 3 Lesson - Surrender

    • Day 3 Lecture: We Are Not Helpless

    • Day 4 Lesson - Intention

    • Day 4 Lecture - Power of Intention

    • Day 5 Lesson - Keep Moving

    • Day 5 Lecture - Healing Fields

    • Day 6 Lesson - Be Grounded

    • Day 6 Demo - Grounding Visualization

    • Day 7 Lesson - Letting Go

    • Day 7 Lecture - Letting Go Stress/Anxiety

    • Day 8 Lesson = Identify Hidden Payoffs

    • Day 8 Demo - Group Healing

    • Day 9 Lesson - Self Healing Technique

    • Day 9 Lecture - Getting To Spiritual Roots

    • Day 10 Lesson - Listen To God

    • Day 10 Lecture - Power of Integrity

    • Day 11 Lesson - Review

    • Day 11 Lecture - Food & Movement

    • Day 12 Lesson - Observe The Mind

    • Day 12 Lecture - The Mating Game

    • Day 13 Lesson - ID The Silent Mind

    • Day 13 Demo - Spiritual Healing Technique

    • Day 14 Lesson - Be Fearless

    • Day 14 Demo - Dog Healing

    • Day 15 Lesson - Ask For Truth

    • Day 15 Demo - Family Fields

    • Day 16 Lesson - Make It Clear

    • Day 16 Demo - Scan & Clear Technique

    • Day 17 Lesson - Be Selfish

    • Day 17 Demo - Distance Clear After Scan

    • Day 18 Lesson - Be Authentic

    • Day 18 Lecture - Becoming Compassion

    • Day 19 Lesson - Be Complete

    • Day 19 Lecture - Surrogates & Distance

    • Day 20 Lesson - Be Yourself

    • Day 20 Demo = Be A Healing Vehicle

    • Day 21 Lesson - Follow

    • Day 21 Lecture - Power of Following

    • Day 22 Lesson - Visualize

    • Day 22 Demo - Healing Four At A Time

    • Day 23 Lesson - See Our View

    • Day 23 Lecture - What Are Our Intentions?

    • Day 24 Lesson - Dream Journal

    • Day 24 Demo - Getting To The Roots

    • Day 25 Lesson - Refuse The Coat

    • Day 25 Demo - Seeing The Coats

    • Day 26 Lesson - Recontextualize Issues

    • Day 26 Lecture - Symptoms Are Guidance

    • Day 27 Lesson - Receive

    • Day 27 Lecture - Free Pass

    • Day 28 Lesson - Establish Healing Team

    • Day 28 Lecture - Set Up Your Own Group

    • Day 29 Lesson - Strong Habits

    • Day 29 Lecture - Free Pass

    • Day 30 Lesson - Be The Field

    • Day 30 Demo - Students Being The Field

    • Month End Review

    • What next? Lungovita Protocol or another module...